TB Screening

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Step 1 of 2
Employee Name

Do you currently have any of the following that has lasted three (3) weeks or longer?

Unexplained productive cough?
Unexplained appetite loss?
Night sweats?
Chest pain?
Bloody sputum?
Unexplained weight loss?
Unexplained fever?
Shortness of breath?
Increased fatigue?

Have you ever:

Ever been told you have TB?
Had a positive TB skin test?
Lived with anyone with TB?
Had a BCG vaccination?

Employer Review:

  1. If the employee answers yes to any question 1-9, document the objective reason for the symptom. If there is no known reason for the symptom lasting 3 weeks or longer, the employee is to have a TB skin test.
  2. If the employee answers yes to any question A-B, the employee is to have a TB skin test.
  3. If the employee answers yes to question C, the employee is to have either a chest x-ray or a physician statement noting the employee is free from communicable disease.
The following apply to this employee: