Occupational Therapy


Our occupational therapy services designed to maximize our patient’s functional independence in all areas of their lives by working on their fine motor abilities, visual motor skills, sensory processing, self-help skills.

Areas addressed include upper extremity strength, picking up objects, grasping, using utensils to eat, buttoning a shirt, zipping, using a cup to drink, cutting with scissors, holding pencil/crayon, writing, drawing, sensory processing and modulation skills.

For children this can include working on daily activities such as getting dressed, brushing their teeth, playing with their peers, hand-eye coordination, handwriting, and positively dealing with anger and frustration.

Our occupational therapy services include:
•    Self help skills: feeding, toileting ,dressing.
•    Activities of daily living  assessment
•    Adaptive equipment assessment and training.
•    Fine Motor Skills / Handwriting
•    Visual–Motor & Visual Perceptual Skills
•    Sensory motor and sensory integration
•    Motor Planning / Coordination
•    Splinting / Joint Mobility / Casting
•    Developmental Skills / Play Skills
•    Adaptive Equipment Recommendation
•    Wheelchair Positioning & Prescription
•    Environmental Modification / Accessibility
•    Spasticity Management
•    Therapeutic Positioning
•    Neuro-reeducation
•    Prescription of Restorative / Maintenance Programs