When it comes to caring for your child, we know that you want the very best. The experienced staff and nurses of QOC understand the challenges that families face when bringing home a medically fragile child and we can use this experience to assist you in your transition.
At QOC, our experienced team of registered nurses, pharmacists and home equipment vendors work together with the patient’s physician to provide a variety of in-home infusion services to our patients. We arrange for delivery of medications, infusion pump and any needed supplies and also teach patients and caregivers how to infuse the prescribed medications based on the method selected to achieve maximum independence.
Quality One Care home infusion services include:
- Coordinating with Pharmacist and home equipment vendors to deliver medication, supplies, and equipment to your home.
- Our RN supervisor collaborates with patient’s physician, nutritionist, patient’s laboratory, pharmacist to report any concerns, follow-up appointments and patient progress.
- Apart from administering medications, our infusion nurse provide daily physical assessment of the patient, including taking daily vital signs, monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment and closely monitoring the patient for any adverse reaction of the medication.
- Our infusion nurses also, obtain laboratory samples and monitor the results.
If the patient is receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), the RN assesses daily patient nutritional status and report to your child’s doctor or Nutritionist.
- Antibiotic and antiviral therapies.
- Anti-inflammatory and steroid therapies.
- Total parenteral nutrition (TPN).
- Antirejection agents.
- Antivirals.
- Cardiac drug therapy.
- Chelating therapies.
- Chemotherapy.
- Clotting factors.
- Colony stimulating factor.
- Diuretics.
- Hydration therapy
- Immunoglobulins (IVIG) therapy.
- Nutritional support/assessments.
- Pain management.
- Steroids